Sightless Children Club 2nd Annual White Cane Run/Walk
Sightless Children Club (SCC) provides specialized equipment needed to enhance the educational endeavors of visually impaired individuals at the grade school, high school, college, and work-related levels, enabling them to function on the same level as their sighted peers.
In the spirit of equality, SCC also celebrates the long, white cane, a universal symbol of independence for blind and visually impaired individuals everywhere. Sighted guides will be available for visually impaired walkers/ runners. Support blind and visually impaired children in the Dayton area! All ages welcome!
Location: Sightless Children Club, 950 Helke Rd, Vandalia OH 45414
Course: Surrounding Neighborhood
Preregistration: On or before 10/3/14 to ensure a t-shirt
On-line registration OR mail entry to Sightless Children Club
Packet Pick up: Sightless Children Club, Race Day at 8:00 am
Entry Fee: $25 by October 3rd (t-shirt), $25 after October 3rd (no T-shirt)
Sighted guides available upon request.
Snacks to follow the race!